
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 06:11:53

关键词:最惠国待遇 国民待遇 我国的实践


the principle of the most-favoured-nation clause & national treatment is the most important ones in WTO.China has been a formal member of WTO, to understand and use these priciples correctly is a crucial condition for the maintenance of our rights and performace of our liability. this article dissertates the applications and exceptions of the principle of the most-favoured-nation clause & national treatment in the field of cargo, service trading and copyrights and investing measurements related to trade , etc. analyses the civil situaions for applying these principles in China, discusses the practices to realize these princilples and correspondence of these principles under the WTO institution, with some advices

keywords: most-favoured-nation clause ; national treatment ; practices of China
